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Summer review

Post 1


I seem to have been absent from here for a very long time! Too long to catch up on everybody's journals, sorry. Hope you are all having a reasonable summer.

Spent a few days in Edinburgh in July: Edinburgh was as beautiful as usual, and even hot and sunny (apart from one day when we went to S Queensferry, but I have it on good authority that it's often a bit misty there). Had a lovely lunch with L. Train somewhat delayed on the way back, and I then developed a vile summer cold, with sore throat and cough, which ended up keeping me off work for a whole week - unheard of for me! The cough lasted several weeks, but has cleared up now, thank goodness.

Went to north Norfolk for a long weekend at the beginning August, which was great - swam in the sea twice.

Then came the A-level results, which went remarkably smoothly. Only one irate dad on the phone, and he calmed down eventually (suspect daughter in the background going 'oh FGS dad, give it a rest!'). Now busy preparing files etc for the incoming first-years, and fielding queries from sixth-formers who've just got their AS results.

Next week I'm having my usual break before the whole merry-go-round of applications starts again: going back to the same hotel at La Flotte, Ile de RĂ©, as last year. Let's hope the weather is as good, and I can potter round by bike to beaches, markets, restaurants etc ...

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