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Sniffling and sneezing

Post 1


Hayfever this year is the worst I remember it. smiley - sadface

In other news, we have got through two out of three Open Days relatively successfully.

Yesterday we had our College Open Afternoon: 55 registered to attend, after multiple cancellations in the last couple of days. 43 actually turned up. Among the non-appearances was one from a private school who had booked twice, and whose mother had also phoned to confirm the booking ... smiley - sigh

Today was the first of the University-wide Open Days. We have 'open house' for drop-in visitors from 9 to 5, and for the first time this year had a banner on our front gate advertising the fact. Result seemed to be that we got more than the usual quota of boys wandering in, not having done their research (we are a women's college). Suspect they came out of a subject talk in the lecture theatre across the road, saw the banner and thought 'oh, there's a college, not too far to walk' ... But we may be misjudging them entirely.

On duty again all day tomorrow. Monday will be clearing up and filing etc, then I've got a week or so holiday. Meeting a Puerto Rican friend with whom I used to share a house in Nicaragua, and going to Edinburgh with him for a few days.

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Sniffling and sneezing

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