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Post 1


Days of interviews, that is. Today was hideous: started off badly when my bike brakes seized up in the cold, at the end of the road. Had to carry the bike home and then walk to work, which made me later than I'd planned. We had interviews going on in nine different subjects (memo to self: be less accommodating to demands of Directors of Studies next year!), and by mid-morning there had been about five minor crises, e.g. applicants not arriving in time, making their way to the interview room without checking in with the sheepdogs (student helpers), not responding to their name in the waiting room, so that we thought they were lost, etc etc. Luckily we have a fab team of sheepdogs - probably the best I've seen (although I say this every year) - who handle every situation with aplomb and tact, and are always on the ball to spot my mistakes!

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