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Gearing up for A-level results

Post 1


This week I have been mostly photocopying, envelope-stuffing, and chasing Directors of Studies who haven't yet provided me with reading lists and/or letters for their incoming first-year students.

Yesterday, my colleague and I stuffed 25 different documents into each of over 100 envelopes. Today I got a phonecall from one of the afore-mentioned DoSs, to say that she was changing the time of her meeting with the first years. This meant we had to take one of the documents out of the envelopes, and replace it with a new version ... 100+ times. smiley - sigh

Next week, the first few days will be taken up with decisions about those applicants who have missed their offer conditions, with lots of counting up totals, as we are a bit tight on rooms this year. Then Thursday I will have my least favourite day of the year, when the applicants who have missed their offers ring up, and I have to tell them we can't confirm their place. smiley - sadface

Gearing up for A-level results

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oxbridge freshers' reading lists! Brings back memories!

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