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Busy social Saturday

Post 1


Started this morning with a private screening at the Arts Picturehouse for friends' 25th wedding anniversary: Hitchcock's "Rear Wimdow". I'd never seen this before, and enjoyed it very much. Grace Kelly's dresses (and tiny waist) are amazing. A few people thought it was a rather unusual choice of film, but Mike explained that it was one of the few films he and Sue both loved. About 90 of us watched the film in the big screen, then we had drinks and pastries in the bar.

Headed off to Mill Road and called in at the Covent Garden street party, which was just getting going with some very loud music from a Pink Floyd tribute combo. Couldn't stay long, as I had to meet a former Newnham student at the Pickerel pub. I had set up a meeting for her in connection with job-hunting, so she wanted to buy me a drink.

Joined her and a few friends to walk along the river to the May Bumps - last day today. Newnham 1st VIII had started in 4th place and done very well: bumped on Wednesday and Thursday nights and rowed over on Friday. We got to the Caius hospitality tent in time to get some Pimm's before the Women's 1st division race, but although Newnham rowed very well and kept up with Downing for most of the race, they were bumped by Jesus in the final stages, so back to third place. smiley - sadface

Got home to find that some delivery company had tried to deliver a parcel - can't think what it could be, but will be very annoyed if I find it's the new modem from Virgin, as I have taken the day off on Monday specifically to take delivery of it.

Quiet evening at home.

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Busy social Saturday

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