This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

That London

Post 1


Avoided seriously congested trains by travelling up on Saturday afternoon, and back this lunchtime. Avoided seriously congested riverbanks by going to visit the 'Avenue of Sail' on Saturday evening (when it was also quite sunny). The collected boats in St Katharine's Dock were well worth seeing (included Gipsy Moth IV, among others), but the tall ships a bit sparse between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, contrary to the indications on the Jubilee Pageant website.

Sunday morning - light drizzle. Went to church in Stoke Newington and caught up with old friends. Friend I was staying with went to his own church. Got back about the same time, and installed ourselves in front of tv, sustained by delicious picnic lunch (quiche, smoked salmon, turkey pie, salad ... you get the picture) and prosecco, to watch the Pageant, hoping to see my sister and family in their little boat. We had caught a glimpse of them in the background on BBC news earlier, when interviews were being conducted at Hammersmith before the start - they were moored mid-river overnight.

Watched ... and watched ... and watched. No sign of the recreational motorboats. smiley - sadface BBC coverage jumped straight from the 'historic vessels' to 'narrowboats'.

Twitterfeed and Facebook commentaries v entertaining (more so than BBC!) and livened up the afternoon.

Sister's boat eventually got into West India Dock at around 9.30pm, after long queue for lock. They were all a bit damp and cold by then, and ready for rum ration and corned beef hash! Sis reported that at least they had discovered some leaks in the boat roof they didn't know about before!

Now back home and ignoring the rest of the Jubilee stuff. Have done some washing and compiled list of chores for tomorrow ...

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