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Sorrento break

Post 1


Came back this afternoon after four days in Sorrento (just south of Naples, in case anybody was wondering). Decided after lots of dithering, not to take my iPad with me, and survived quite happily without Facebook, Twitter, and even hootoo and ML! Could have done with Mary Beard's book on Pompeii, which I hadn't finished reading in the Kindle version before going, but never mind.

Parts of Sorrento are quite pretty, and there are other nice places round about, but on the whole have decided I prefer France. People there don't stand outside the restaurants hassling you to come in - they let you read the menu in peace, without wanting to explain every detail to you. There is also more variety in the food.

The weather was very good on the whole. Woke up to torrential rain on Monday, but it had stopped by breakfast time, and then there weren't more than a few drops for the rest of the time I was there. Tuesday was the best day (when I went to Pompeii), but although thermometres were registering 23 to 25 degrees for the whole week, it didn't feel like that with a chilly wind, and I kept a jacket or cardi on most days.

Was all set to load my photos on to the computer from the camera this evening, but found only a couple of dozen unexceptional pics from today and yesterday. Have checked the memory card etc, but come to the conclusion that all the others are lost. Note to self: when the camera asks if you want to format, say NO! Oh well - will just have to depend on memory ... pity about all those carefully composed photos of Pompeii and Vesuvius though ...

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Sorrento break

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