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School reunion

Post 1


Yesterday I entertained seven of my former classmates for an afternoon in Cambridge. There were originally going to be 10 of us, but two cried off due to busy schedules and one was ill. We have been meeting periodically since a few of the group organised a very successful reunion for 30 years after we left school (55 of us mustered on that occasion). Then the school itself had an event for the 40th anniversary, much less well-organised and consequently fewer attended. We all hit 60 last year, so now that a few people have retired, they have more time for this sort of thing.

We met at Pizza Express in Jesus Lane (a former Roman Baths, then the Pitt Club - a drinking establishment for young gentlement of the University, now converted into PE, but still a pretty nice historic setting). After stuffing ourselves with pizza, pasta, garlic bread, chocolate cake, and not a little wine, we thought we'd better walk it off.

I took them round the 'historic centre' of town, past St John's, Trinity, King's, Corpus Christi, St Catharine's, then over Silver Street bridge to Queens', Darwin and Newnham. I showed them the gardens and some of the interior of Newnham, and we glimpsed Mary Beard (who hastily rushed in the direction of her office when she saw us!). Then we headed back up the Backs and over Trinity bridge. We took photos in front of Newton's rooms at Trinity, and finished off the afternoon with cups of tea/coffee at Patisserie Valerie. I think they all enjoyed it.

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School reunion

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