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Holiday coming up - must get organised!

Post 1


I am off to Italy in about 10 days, and it has suddenly occurred to me that I am not at all organised for this trip. Have now made a list, and started to do some of the tasks - printed boarding card this evening, but as the black ink cartridge on my printer has died, will have to do it again at work tomorrow. smiley - grr

Another item on the list is to download Mary Beard's Pompeii book to my iPad. I'm going to Sorrento, and hoping to do a day trip to Pompeii, so should really do a bit of preparatory reading, even if it's only on the plane on the way.

I see that Samantha Brick is now adding her twopennorth to the Mary vs AA Gill spat. Mary was keeping aloof earlier today. I have enjoyed the Rome programmes very much, and think Gill should keep his objectionable views on her appearance to himself. Deborah Ross did a nice spoof in the Independent:

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Holiday coming up - must get organised!

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