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Cambridge Wordfest and Meet the Romans

Post 1


Spent most of last weekend at Cambridge Wordfest, our local literary festival. Great fun, but usually results in spending more £££ than I intended, either on books or on food and drink!

Went to talks by/conversations with: Iain Banks, Ian Rankin, Alain de Botton, William Boyd, Julian Clary, Grace Dent. Also 'City Picks' - readings from an anthology of works set in/about Cambridge, and a session about Irene Nemirovsky, with Angela Kershaw, who has written about her, and Sandra Smith, IN's translator.

On Sunday evening, I had got a team together for the literary quiz. Really good fun, and we didn't do too badly - joint 4th out of 11 teams.

Cambridge Wordfest and Meet the Romans

Post 2


And forgot to put in the second part of the title - now looking forward to the first part of Mary Beard's series on Rome, 9pm on BBC2.

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Cambridge Wordfest and Meet the Romans

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