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Birthday weekend

Post 1


It was my birthday on Saturday, and the celebrations have extended over several days.

Started with me taking cake (various kinds) to work on Friday, as is the office tradition. Then after doing one or two chores on Saturday morning, went off to London to my friend's house in Islington. We went to see the Yayoi Kusama exhibition at Tate Modern, which was ... um ... unusual. Not really what I'd expected, but it's good to see different things. We had a cup of tea in the Friends' room at the top of the building - lovely view over the river, and lots of people sitting outside on the terrace. We walked along the South Bank for a bit before getting the bus back.

In the evening we went out for an Italian meal, at a small restaurant in Canonbury Lane. It was my friend's birthday as well, so we often celebrate jointly - last year we both had significant birthdays, so we went to Prague for a few days, but this year it was more low-key!

On Sunday we got the overground train from Highbury & Islington to Kew Gardens. Another beautiful sunny day, and the magnolias and camellias were looking fabulous. The journey back was a bit protracted, as there had been a fire alert on the overground line, so we had to get the Tube instead.

Then today I had booked the day off - went swimming first thing, and then caught up on a few house chores before going out for lunch in town. Now relaxing at home in (still very warm) sunshine. Back to work, no doubt to an overflowing inbox, tomorrow.

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Birthday weekend

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