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Day at home

Post 1


Have had the day off work today, partly in lieu of working on Saturday (Year 12 Science Day, 80+ participants to be organised, given information packs and talks, and sent off in the care of some of our current undergrads to enjoy some of the activities at the Cambridge Science Festival), and partly nursing an incipient cold. Had a tickly throat on Friday, felt awful on Saturday morning, slightly better yesterday but with an annoying cough that is keeping me awake at night.

Hoping to be back on form by tomorrow. Anyway, it's been a lovely sunny day here (looking out of the study window at a beautiful sunset now), so I walked to the shops to stock up on cough linctus and echinacea.

Also did some more sorting of old photos. Am being quite ruthless about throwing out duplicates/boring ones, and a fairly logical filing system is gradually developing.

Lots of excitement in the college last week, due to this:
Dr S L, speaking about 2 mins 45 secs into the video, is my boss.

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