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Christmas done!

Post 1


smiley - xmastree

All done and dusted for another year. I was still putting my cards up in the flat when the taxi arrived to take me to the station on Christmas Eve, so I had to finish the job when I got back today. They won't be up for long, as I shall take them down before I go back to work on 3 Jan.

Had a pleasant few days at my sister & bro-in-law's. Niece (vet nurse) and nephew (police officer) were both working at various points over the holiday, so stayed in their respective homes. We ate and drank very well - bro-in-law made an impressive Beef Wellington for Christmas lunch - Jamie's recipe.

Now plan to have more relaxing days at home, although I will have to catch up with a bit of housework: it's been rather neglected during the interview period, and I will notice the dust and rubbish more, being at home during the day. I may also have a day in London - I fancy seeing the Grayson Perry exhibition at the BM.

Treated myself to an iPad, as a present to me - yay!! - so have also booked in for an introductory workshop at the Apple shop in town. Loving it so far ...

Christmas done!

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Christmas all done here too I hope. Back to normal tomorrow. I took the Christmas tree down this afternoon. It's been pretty low-key although I had a Nando's on Boxing Day from Mr Delivery.

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