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Post 1


First lot of interviews today for prospective Medics - our Director of Studies in Medicine is rushing off to NZ to do her research immediately term finishes, so can't interview during the normal week. Although it's a bit hectic getting them organised in advance, actually it does help with congestion in the main interview period. I've almost finished all the timetables now, and calculated that I've scheduled over 500 individual interviews, all squeezed into 10 days!

Anyway, all went well today, as usual largely thanks to our wonderful undergraduate helpers ('sheepdogs'). I checked up on them at one point, and there was a little group of applicants and their mums in the waiting room, all cosily drinking tea and chatting to one of the undergrads - they looked completely relaxed, which has to be a good thing!

Managed to send out a load of interview invitations too - applicants are getting antsy on The Student Room because some colleges have already sent some of theirs. Should get most of the rest done tomorrow, which is great, because my target date was next Monday.

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