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Overtime time

Post 1


Arrived at the office at 8.00am today and left at 6.00pm. Didn't get as much done as I wanted, mainly due to other people not providing information by the requested time. smiley - wah

Expecting to be working much the same hours all this week, but am determined not to let it get me down, as it did last week. I ended up cross and exhausted on Friday, and snapping at people quite unnecessarily.

Had an early-ish night on Friday, and a restful-ish weekend (only a couple of hours in the office on Saturday, trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle that is involved in scheduling interviews in Classics - applicants have to have interviews at two colleges, but there is no reciprocal swap system - that would be far too easy. Instead, our applicants are having their 'second-college' interviews at three different colleges, and we are second-interviewing applicants from two more ...

Anyway, also managed to fit in some very necessary housework and a bit of a stroll round the shops (even bought a dress, shock horror!). And on Sunday, some of us had a trip to St Ives on the guided bus to join our friends who live there for an excellent Sunday roast. Lovely sunny day, so the bus journey past the lakes at Fen Drayton nature reserve was very pleasant.

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