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A good week so far

Post 1


Well, here I am writing my (occasional) journal again, so that's the first good thing.

Secondly, although autumn is definitely here with a vengeance and a chilly wind (needed gloves on the way in to work this morning), we've had a few days of beautiful sunshine. On Saturday there was an event at College to launch a book of photos to celebrate our 140th anniversary - lots of alumnae came back and were able to sit in the gardens. On Sunday the (rather depleted) Sunday lunch bunch met in a pub with a garden and we were able to sit outside then too.

Saturday was the deadline for applications, although a trickle usually come through in the following few days, as they filter through the UCAS machinery. We had all been wondering what the effect of the increase in tuition fees would be - well, our applications are up 20% on last year! Not sure yet what the figures for the university as a whole will be ... have to wait and see.

This evening I went to a talk by Baroness Onora O'Neill (former Principal of the College) on 'University and diversity'. It was very interesting - she was talking about accountability in higher education, and how it doesn't really make sense that very different institutions are measured by the same criteria (i.e. league tables), and how these criteria can have adverse effects in similar ways to school league tables. A lot to think about.

Oh, and I have a new bed. And I'm cooking a small lamb joint for supper - must go and check on it. See y'all!

A good week so far

Post 2


Just checking in following the relocation.

Douglas & Sue

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