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Cambridge Film Festival 2011 - part 1

Post 1


First four films have been seen, so it's probably time for a report!

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
This was the opening film of the festival and (I think) the UK premiere, so very exciting! It was shown simultaneously in two of the Picturehouse screens, both completely sold out. I was in Screen 1, and there was a row of Picturehouse staff standing at the back of the auditorium. Earlier in the evening there was a reception at Emmanuel College - photos (not great, IMHO) are on Facebook - search for Cambridge Film Festival 2011.

Anyway - loved the film, particularly Gary Oldman's portrayal of George Smiley. Made me want to read the book again, as I don't know it nearly as well as Douglas, and can't remember having seen the Alec Guinness TV series (although I do remember my parents being hooked on it). Thought the period details was terrific too.

There was a Q&A afterwards with Tomas Alfredson (director), Peter Straughan (writer), Gary Oldman and John Hurt. As I was sitting on the very back row, behind the gangway, they had to walk past me to get to the front of the auditorium - wow! Tomas Alfredson told a nice little story: at the beginning of the film there is a montage of scenes to convey that Smiley has retired (swimming, listening the radio etc), and one scene that was eventually cut showed him in his kitchen, wearing an apron and frying an egg. When they were watching the rushes, Gary Oldman looked at this scene and said "To think I used to be Sid Vicious!"

The Silver Cliff (O Abismo Prateado - Brazilian)
OK-ish. An apparently devoted husband and father goes off on a business trip and sends his wife a text to say he is leaving her. She sets off in search of him (incidentally leaving her 14 year-old son alone) and ends up at Copacabana, where she meets a lone father with a (very cute) little girl. She spends time with them, but eventually goes back to the city.

Met some Brazilians at the end of the film, who were distinctly underwhelmed and complained that "nothing happens".

Burnout! (Abgebrannt - German)
A tattooist, single mother of three in Berlin, has various money problems, and after her little boy accidentally eats some dodgy pills he finds in her boyfriend's jacket, she and the children are sent by social services on a "mother-and-child cure" at the seaside.

At first she is rebellious, then things get a bit better, but overall it's a bit bleak. Didn't send you out singing and dancing.

And finally ...
A Useful Life (La Vida Util - Uruguayan)
A truly bizarre little film. In black and white, ostensibly about a small cinema in Montevideo and its funding problems, it then turns into a story of unrequited love about one of the cinema managers. Very odd, but mercifully short!

To be continued ...

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Cambridge Film Festival 2011 - part 1

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