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Day out

Post 1


Good weekend: my sis & b-in-law moored up in Cambridge in their boat on Saturday afternoon, so we had G&T on the boat and then had dinner at a nearby pub.

Sunday was a quiet day: did a few chores at home, went to the cinema to see The Guard. It's very funny, if violent. Question is, is it racist? Borderline, IMHO - even though it's an Irish production.

So today I allowed myself a day off, and after the gym and a swim this morning, had a bacon roll and coffee at Costa and then took myself off to the seaside for the day. Train to King's Lynn, bus to Hunstanton (v threatening black clouds at this point). Had a little walk round and found a cafe for lunch. By the time I came out, it had brightened up, so walked along the beach and among the rock pools (tide was way, way out) to Old Hunstanton. Sat at the edge of the dunes and watched kite-surfers, kite-flyers, windsurfers and a game of beach volleyball, until I started to feel cold, then walked back along the top of the cliff.

Buses were a bit Bank Holiday-ish on the way back, almost an hour to get back to K's Lynn, via Heacham, Snettisham and Castle Rising. Then had to wait 40 minutes for the next train to Cambridge. Oh well. Most enjoyable day.

Day out

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Can you explain this further? Are you suggesting that there are groups of people (nations) from whom we should not expect racism?

Day out

Post 3


No, what I mean is that there is a certain amount of stereotyping of the Irish - but I guess if Father Ted could get away with it, then this film probably can too. The posters advertise it as "Father Ted meets Bad Lieutenant".

Day out

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh right sorry I completely misread your post. I was in a funny mood last night anyway.

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