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Post 1


We haven't had much snow here and a lot of it has now gone, but the residue is like an icerink.

Getting rather worried about interviews next week (well, starting tomorrow in fact, then again on Monday). An applicant phoned yesterday to check whether her interview tomorrow was still going ahead, and then again this morning - as if she couldn't quite believe it. She asked if the interviewers would be staying in college the night before to make sure they could get there!

The trouble is we have over 250 applicants scheduled to be interviewed in the next 10 days, and no room for flexibility. We are just keeping our fingers crossed the weather improves over the weekend, but the news from the rest of the country (and the airports) is not encouraging.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy


Mind you the temperature is set to drop here in the next few days. It is 18 C now and tomorrow's high is said to be 24 and Friday 21, so it won't be that wonderful hot smiling honey sun I love, for a bit. Hopefully will be getting that before too long, although I remember sitting out on the stoep on Christmas Day 1995 and it was a cool, o'ercast day.

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