This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge


Post 1


For the last couple of weeks I've been getting to the office about 8.00am and not leaving before 5.30. Got away a bit early tonight, but still not by my usual finishing time of 4pm on a Friday.

This is because we are doing early interviews, as well as all the preparation for the normal interview period in December. I wish all the Directors of Studies and other interviewers would stick to the plans they sent me and not suddenly say "I know I said I could do those three days, but actually on the middle day I'd like to go to a conference - could you rearrange the schedule around that please?" Aaargh!

Had to do quite a lot of 'sheepdog' duties with the interviews today, as it's difficult to recruit undergrad helpers during termtime.

Hoping to get a lot more interview timetables sorted next week, and wondering whether it would be a good idea to go into the office at the weekend for a few hours.

Went to see "The Kids are All Right" on Wednesday after work - it had v good reviews, but I thought it was just OK.

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