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Starting early

Post 1


Interviews, that is. We had our first batch of admissions interviews yesterday, which is about a month earlier than usual. It is because the Director of Studies in the subject concerned will be out of the country doing her research during the normal interview period. She and her co-interviewers are all incredibly busy people, so instead of interviewing for two full days at the beginning of December, we are doing four half-days: yesterday, two next week, and another a couple of weeks later.

It is a bit annoying as it means I had to spend a lot of time this week preparing and helping with the interviews, when I should have been doing other things ready for the main period in December. Oh well ...

The interviewees didn't see the college looking its best, as we had miserable drizzly dark weather all day. One poor girl was on a train that broke down on the way from London and had to get a taxi from Hitchin. She was remarkably calm about it though.

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