This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Festival of Ideas

Post 1

Started yesterday and runs for the next week or so. It began a couple of years ago and is the humanities counterpart to the well-established Cambridge Science Festival (

I'm planning to go to a couple of events today - haven't decided which ones yet - and next week I'm going to a debate on 'the future of the book' and 'purism and prescriptivism in France'.

It's raining this morning, so I'm procrastinating in bed with the laptop, instead of rushing out to the supermarket, as I should be.

Tomorrow afternoon I'm helping to put up the Christmas lights on Mill Road. This is a voluntary community project, whereas the lights in the rest of the city are a council initiative. In Mill Road we have rather tasteful snowflake-shaped lights outside each shops, paid for by the traders. They reflect the theme of the Mill Road Winter Fair publicity. Anyway, there will be a group of volunteers out this weekend with a cherry-picker, putting them up. As I don't do heights, I'll be on the ground, making sure that passersby don't bump into the cherry-picker or get lightbulbs dropped on their heads. I will be wearing a hardhat and a high-vis jacket - yay!!!

Booked my Wordfest tickets yesterday.

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Festival of Ideas

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