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College Feast

Post 1


This is the formal dinner to welcome the new undergrads, and it was held last night. I sat with the Engineers, as their Director of Studies was unable to attend, and they were a lively bunch, especially a chatty girl from Belfast who sat opposite me.

The food was good: Caesar salad, stuffed chicken breast, panna cotta with cherries. Three (mercifully short) speeches: the Principal, my boss (Admissions Tutor), and JCR President. The AT was speaking on behalf of the newcomers: although she has now been in post nearly a year, she was originally appointed as Acting AT, but is now permanent, and has just been 'Fellowed'. She told the assembled company that it was 19 years to the day since she arrived at Newnham to start her PhD, and found herself living in Sylvia Plath's old room.

The freshers seemed happy and excited, and many of them were dressed up to the nines, ready to go clubbing after the meal. Some very impressive shoes, if you're into that sort of thing - I have difficulty with even a 2" heel!

Book group tonight, and I'm going for a pub dinner with one of the other members before it starts.

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