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Kitchen project stage 3

Post 1


Going OK so far. When the fitter arrived on Monday morning, I told him the delivery story (at that point Homebase still hadn't confirmed that the missing bits would be delivered that day). 'No problem' he said, 'I'll get on to the installation manager' - and when I got home from work, there they were. The fitter (N) and his mate had also removed all the old units and built the bases of the new units, and disconnected the old washing machine ready for the new one to be delivered on Tuesday.

Washing machine and fridge/freezer duly arrived yesterday, fridge was up and running by the time I got home. Cooker and hob also installed and working, but sink not connected yet. Fitters are having the day off today (and so am I, which is why I am posting at this unaccustomed hour).

So far so good, except that I think the storage space looks a bit smaller than I was expecting. Oh well, I'll just have to declutter even more!

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Kitchen project stage 3

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