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Last day of hols

Post 1


Back to work tomorrow, but I've had a lovely break!

Pushed my scruples about short-haul flights to the back of my mind temporarily (at least until I got back and saw yesterday's story in the Indy about the North-West Passage now being navigable by commercial shipping - ouch!), and flew to Biarritz last Sunday.

Stayed in a very small family-run hotel near the Plage du Port Vieux, which was perfect. Room with bathroom and TV, breakfast served in the room, 5 minutes walk to the beach which is the one I prefer for swimming. The weather was great - 25-30 degrees most days and only cloudy on two mornings.

Unfortunately I picked one of the cloudy mornings to go up into the Pyrenees and take the little train to La Rhune. When we got to the top, there was thick cloud all around, instead of the spectacular views advertised. Oh well, you can't have everything ...

Swam in the sea twice every day, read the newspaper in French every day, scoffed lots of delicious Basque food and wine, and generally had a wonderful relaxing time.

Photos to follow ...

Last day of hols

Post 2

petal jam

Annie you always have such delicious sounding holidays. When I win the lottery I think I'll ask you to plan one for me.

Last day of hols

Post 3


I'd be delighted, pj! In fact I spent some time browsing the estate agents' windows in Biarritz, daydreaming about which apartment to buy as my 'getaway' when *I* win the lottery!

This was my fourth time there - completely fell in love with it the first time I went in 2003. It has its snobby aspects, but that is far outweighed by the spectacular beaches and interesting places to visit nearby.

Here are a few photos:

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