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Swan drama

Post 1


Was on my way to work yesterday (about 8am because still dealing with fallout of A-level results) when I saw a police car, blue light flashing, parked near Silver Street bridge. As I passed it, I noticed a swan sitting in the middle of the sidestreet - presumably injured in some way. Two policepersons were observing it rather nervously from the main road, and another one (even more nervously) was feeding it bits of bread from a plastic bag.

I stopped and went back to take a photo (now that I have graduated to a digital camera I have it with me at all times), at which point another police car arrived, with several more policepersons, armed with blankets. They wrapped these round the swan and put it into one of the cars, then drove off in the direction of the Vet Hospital, blue lights still flashing.

Swan drama

Post 2

petal jam

Annie that's delightfully surreal. The swan looks perfectly at home - presumably a night out on the town after the Feathers closed.

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