This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Results Day

Post 1


Arrived at the office at 8.00am, to find that the pleading phonecalls had already started at 7.30 - well, one pleading phonecall to be strictly accurate. The volume of these has definitely gone down since it became possible for students to check their status on UCAS Track, although we still get quite a few calls from schools (often in response to prodding from parents).

The College Accountant popped in to the office this afternoon, pretending to enquire how things were going, but really to gloat about the fact that his daughter had got the grades she needed for her first-choice offer.

We had made quite a lot of offers including module scores (UMS), and as these are not sent to us via UCAS, we were dependent on the schools concerned to fax/email them to us. The fax machine was red-hot by lunchtime, but we did get them all in.

As I left the office, my boss (the Admissions Tutor) and the Admissions panel were still in discussion about the applicants who had only just missed their offer conditions. I'll find out the decisions in the morning, and then no doubt there'll be more phonecalls ...

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