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Lazy weekend

Post 1


Every weekend I make a to-do list of chores, and then invariably get distracted and end up feeling guilty because I haven't done half of them. I'm now making a determined effort to consign chores to weekday evenings so that weekends are for ME, to relax and enjoy myself.

The weather helped this weekend - it's been (mostly) warm and sunny.

Yesterday I went for a swim (usually I do this on a Sunday morning, so that was one change). It was pleasantly uncrowded, so may repeat the experience. Picked up the Saturday Indie on the way there, and had a leisurely coffee and read the paper after my swim.

Did the weekly supermarket sweep, then went to join the No Mill Road Tesco demonstration. See:
Went back to a friend's house afterwards for a cuppa and a chat.

In the afternoon, browsed the charity shops in search of clothes, but ended up buying a trashy novel (Joanna Trollope, since you ask!) for my holiday next month.

Today I did a bit of housework while listening to the TA omnibus, then went to meet the Sunday lunch bunch at my local pub, which was celebrating its first anniversary under new management with a hog roast. It was beautifully sunny by then, so we sat outside - a bit too sunny for me really, so my friend C made my calico shopping bag into a sunhat for me. See:
There's also a pic of the pub's birthday cake, which was delicious!

The usual resident pianist played during lunchtime, and the jazz trio (well two of them) took over at about 4.30pm. I went back this evening for an hour or so. I've been going there regularly at least once a week since they re-opened, and I'm happy to say that they seem to be doing OK - it's wonderful to have a congenial local serving reasonably priced food, two minutes' walk from my front door!

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