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Big Weekend

Post 1


Last weekend was the Big Weekend in Cambridge - see:

Had a mooch round the stalls and especially the French market on Saturday - bought rabbit pate (yum!) and a tartelette au citron to eat on the spot. Had a little chat in French with the stallholder, who asked if I was a French teacher - yay! pronunciation hasn't completely gone then.

Yesterday went for lunch at the pub with the Sunday lunch bunch (had missed the last couple of weeks, due to extreme heat and other commitments) and then we decamped to Parker's Piece for the rest of the afternoon to enjoy World Music Day. Saw Kwame D (soul/R&B/reggae from Leeds), Kakasitsi (Ghanaian drummers), Brothers Ignatius (Cambridge-based ska-jazz), and The Dhol Foundation (the headliners - bhangra). The last two sets were fantastic. The Dhol Foundation were like a fusion of bhangra and Irish ceilidh music, and people were dancing accordingly.

Also wandered over to the dance tent a couple of times and saw demonstrations of belly-dancing, lindy hop and salsa. Missed the capoeira.

Anyway, it was a great weekend, and now I've got the week off work! Brilliant.

smiley - smiley

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