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The weekend starts here

Post 1


Just waiting for my sis to arrive for the w/e. Her OH is away sailing in Scotland (for work, haha!).

It's been beautifully sunny all day, though still not very warm. This evening we'll probably go and watch the May Bumps as my young relative is rowing in the Newnham First VIII.

Tomorrow it's the Town & Country Fair, which is quite fun, although definitely not up to the standard of the 'flower & produce' type shows I remember from my childhood. There used to be a massive one in the grounds of the local psychiatric hospital, known to the whole area as the Mapperley Show - loads of kids used to enter butterfly cakes, a miniature garden on a plate, paintings etc - great fun!

The weekend starts here

Post 2


Sunday evening and it's still hot and sunny in this part of the world. Ended up going to the Bumps twice - Friday evening with my sister, when we watched from the garden of the Plough in Fen Ditton (and I had a delightful half of Timothy Taylor Landlord). Newnham First VIII was bumped again, sadly. I also went back, by bike, on Saturday late afternoon, when the banks of the river from Stourbridge Common to Fen Ditton were thronged with young things supporting their college teams - all very good-humoured and great fun.

Yesterday we went to the Town & Country Fair and saw some unusual breeds of sheep, cute Saddleback piglets, and beautiful Suffolk Punch shirehorses. I had another wander up there this afternoon, with another friend.

The weekend starts here

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Timothy Taylor's Landlord is a wonderful beer. I am glad you had the opportunity to enjoy it. smiley - alesmiley - ok

The weekend starts here

Post 4


I put that in specially for you, dagesh - I know it's a favourite of yours!

The weekend starts here

Post 5

petal jam

And Madonna's. [Or so she said at the time.]

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