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What I did on my holidays

Post 1


Have just come back from 5 days in Weymouth. Weather was great on 4 days out of the 5, which isn't bad. Stayed in a lovely B&B which I would certainly recommend. Newly renovated, great breakfasts, charming and helpful owner. www.theharbourhouse....

Hadn't been to that part of the country before, and the seafront part of Weymouth is not particularly attractive, but the old harbour is nice, and there are some good places to eat.

However, I absolutely loved Portland. Went twice: once by bus (public transport is pretty good) to Portland Bill, and walked part of the coast path back on the Weymouth side. Then yesterday I got the ferry to Portland Castle and walked along the cliffs on the other side, as far as one of the quarries, where there is a sort of sculpture park. Spectacular views of Chesil Beach. Must try and work out how to post some photos somewhere.

Also went to the swannery at Abbotsbury, which was great - lots of tiny cygnets, practically hatching under your feet. Would have liked to see the sub-tropical gardens too, but in this case public transport not helpful - buses only every two hours, and the swannery and gardens are both about a mile from the bus stop, but in opposite directions.

Anyway, it was all very enjoyable and relaxing, apart from the one wet day, when I went to Dorchester and dripped in and out of shops.

(apologies to MLers - couldn't be bothered to write a different version for here!)

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What I did on my holidays

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