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Sunny bank holiday?

Post 1


What is the world coming to? Beautiful day today, forecast is good for tomorrow, not so bright for Monday.

Have been at w*rk this morning, 'entertaining' 65 or so Year 12 students at a Maths Open Morning. This afternoon the Faculty took over, with some hard maths mini-lectures, so we were able to go home.

Town was heaving as I came home - the sunshine has brought hordes of tourists, it seems; or maybe it was just students skiving off their revision!

Sunny bank holiday?

Post 2


Oh well, thought it was too good to be true, and today has been chilly and damp, with showers.

Got the train to Letchworth, where my sis picked me up and we drove to her son's new house (she was delivering her garden shredder for him to borrow). Went out for lunch to a nearby pub. At least nephew and niece-in-law thought it was a standard pub, but it turned out to be more like a restaurant. Very nice food - a bit expensive. I had a pork burger, which was delicious.

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