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Easter break

Post 1


Was back at work for a couple of days after Cardiff conference, then took a few more days off after the Easter weekend. Most of the time it was pretty boring - grey, drizzly weather, and staying in so that the painters could do doors and windows - but yesterday I had an outing to London.

I'm rubbish about planning in advance for hols/bank hols etc, so had just phoned my friend G in London on Sunday and suggested visiting him. When I got there, he suggested we went to Kenwood and this turned out to be brilliant. I hadn't been there for years, and it was a near-perfect day - warm and sunny, just a bit too much haze to see the City skyline clearly.

We had a walk round the lake, had a very good lunch at an outside table, and admired the Suffolk portrait collection in the house. Also very good chats - we've known each other for over 30 years, so conversation is always easy.

Horrible journey back: the platform for the 6.45pm train at Kings Cross wasn't announced until a few minutes before it was due to leave, and then it was only 4 carriages. As I didn't fancy standing for the whole journey, packed in like a sardine, I waited for the 7.15, and then that one was held up by signal problems at Stevenage. Oh well - at least I don't have to commute every day any more!

Heavy rain overnight, and another grey and wet day today. Hope it clears up a bit by Saturday, as we have a Year 10 Open Day, and it always helps if we can run some of the sessions outside.

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