This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

C. 4 May 2005

Post 1


Have been really lazy about this journal for the last few days, but then again nothing much has happened.

We've got another Open Day on Saturday, this time for Year 10 students (age 14-15) to get them thinking at an early stage about applying to university, aiming high and all that. We're having trouble recruiting current undergraduates to help out though, because they're all in the midst of revision. Nightmare visions of having to take large groups of teenagers on tours of the College and try to keep them quiet outside the library and students' rooms! But usually our frantic last-minute pleas for help result in a few volunteers.

After a few warm and semi-sunny days, it's been back to winter today. Cycled to work this morning through fine, cold drizzle, and needed gloves on coming home from Spanish class tonight.

That's all really.

C. 4 May 2005

Post 2


Rain and showers all day here too. We just nipped out to buy a few plants and managed to do very little gardening. However, I have moved furniture around and spring-cleaned... I hope your Spanish class is getting better.

C. 4 May 2005

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

yes, I second that desire that your Spanish class has improved.


C. 4 May 2005

Post 4


Thanks martine and dagesh for your good wishes about the Spanish class. It does seem to have improved - not, I think, due to my email correspondence with the teacher, which she did not appreciate at all!

However, for the last couple of weeks we have been doing intensive practice on past exam papers, for the benefit of those taking the AS exam (not me, as I'll be in Canada when the written paper takes place - hurray!). The listening and speaking practice has been very useful though, and very good for my confidence, as I have consistently been getting high marks.

Off to bed now, as I'll have to leave for work slightly earlier than usual tomorrow, to go and vote on the way. Still very undecided - was about to say between what and what, but I'm not sure if election talk is banned on here as well. OK - will save that for later.

I gather the polls in France are showing more hope for a 'yes' on the Constitution at the moment.

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