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Lazy day

Post 1


Second of my two days off this week. There are lots of little jobs I should be doing round the flat, but have decided to be lazy and treat these two days as holiday.

Started off the morning with a wander round the bookshops in Mill Road - Cambridge is a paradise of charity/second-hand shops for bargain hunters. I was looking for the book we are going to read next in my book group: Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita'. Didn't find it, but I did get a couple of Iris Murdochs (we've just done 'The Sea, the Sea') - 'The Philosopher's Pupil' and 'The Italian Girl' - the latter in an old Penguin edition with the price printed on the front: 3/6! Also bought a collection of A S Byatt short stories: 'Sugar' and other stories, because I love her stuff.

Made my way up Mill Road into town and popped into LakelandsorryBella for some magic limescale remover - essential in Cambridge, where every tap in the house gets caked in the stuff. Every time I go into LsB now I find myself looking at people and wondering "Are you Squirrel?" Also had a browse round the market before coming home.

That's all for now.

Lazy day

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

very odd... Douglas and I have just been talking about Iris Murdoch in my journal! I'm a big fan.

I can definitely recommend The Master and Margarita!

dagesh x

Lazy day

Post 3


Tha Master and Margarita is one of the best Russian novels; a fascinating recreation of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew...

This LsB is really getting mejealous. Limescale remover, what fun.

Iris Murdoch is my blind spot, I have nevber been able to see the point.

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