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Mill Road Winter Fair

Post 1


This is mainly what I have been doing today.

I am having some trouble not doing what is referred to by my ML cyber-friends as typing blotto, as a result of drinking the equivalent of a bottle of wine in the pub just now ...

[ok - giving up on making an effort]
Today was the Mill Road Winter Fair - an impornat event in Cambridge for the last four yeras. FOr more information see:

I helped with the refreshments for VIP visitors from 9 -11, then was a steward from 12-1, had a delicious pub lunch of parsnip soup and a glas oof mulled wine, then wande4red round the attractions for a bit. Then more stewarding (i.e. giving out programmes & answering questions, stopping people from walking into the road) from 3-4. Came hoem & rested my feet for a bit, then met a few friedns at my very local pub, for a meal, wine, and live jazz ...

staggered home a few minutes ago. Plans for tomorow: sunday lunch club. In the evening, I'm doing one of the readings at the X College Carol Service. Douglas will be shocked. It is not my college, as we don't have a chapel, the founder wanted it to be for students of "all releigions and none".

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Mill Road Winter Fair

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