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Post 1


Yesterday was *very* cold here. Went into town to look for something vaguely resembling a Christmas outfit. Failed miserably in my quest. Hate shopping anyway, and town on a Saturday is my idea of hell. The only things that were vaguely possible were two skirts in Monsoon - one was too long for cycling in, and couldn't easily be shortened because it had embroidery round the hem. The other one they didn't have in my size. smiley - sadface

Had a late lunch at my local wine bar (Cumberland sausage & mash, with a large glass of Tempranillo) to recover after the non-shopping experience.

Today was a bit milder, but wet, wet, wet. Two friends came from London for the day to join us at the Sunday lunch club. We had a good time there - everybody is always very friendly and welcoming to friends of friends. One of the visitors had not been to Cambridge before and we had been planning to do a whirlwind tour of the historic centre in the afternoon, but it was just too wet and miserable. We had an (indoor) tour of my college and a drive round the Backs instead, so hope he can come again in better weather.


Post 2


And today was sunny and cold. Just like the day after we went to Kew in the rain a few weeks back. smiley - grr

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