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Cambridge Film Festival 2008 - part 1

Post 1


It's on! Have been to my first three films, and have tickets for every night this week.

So far I've seen:

- Dressing Granite.
A Cornish production about a father-and-son stonecarving business. The father is developing dementia. Not a barrel of laughs, obviously, but the scenery was nice, and the actor playing the father (David Shaw) was very good. He was present at the screening and did an informal Q&A in the bar afterwards.

- Time to Die.
Much better! A Polish film about an old woman living in a huge but dilapidated house, with only her dog for company. The 93 year-old actress was amazing, and had very beautiful eyes. Lovely black and white photography. The dog (also black and white) was so clever it almost stole the show.

- Various silent films and time-lapse photography shorts at an outdoor screening in Magdalene Street on Sunday evening.
The road was closed to traffic and all the little boutique-y type shops were open; great atmosphere, with people giving out free popcorn and icecream.

More soon ...

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Cambridge Film Festival 2008 - part 1

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