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Off to the seaside!

Post 1


Leaving in an hour or so (depending whether I get packed in the next 20 minutes!) for the Norfolk coast. Hoping for vaguely fine weather, but don't actually care if it rains, I just want to be able to look at the sea for a couple of days. Haven't been to the seaside at all this year so far, and I find I need to go at least once a year or I get withdrawal symptoms.

smiley - biggrin

Off to the seaside!

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Don't forget your bucket and spade!

smiley - ok

Off to the seaside!

Post 3


have a lovely time - and hope you get some half way reasonable weather. It's started sunny here, so maybe you'll be lucky.

Off to the seaside!

Post 4


Back now - extremely lucky with the weather, it was gorgeous! Not so lucky with the trains on the way back. What should have been a journey of just over two hours took five. This was only minimally due to the sad event of 'person on line', mainly due to National Express's inefficiency in taking nearly two hours to send out a replacement bus. smiley - grr

Off to the seaside!

Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh annie so sorry you had a bad trip back from the seaside, but you had a lovely time when you were there! You had nice weather and everything! smiley - biggrinsmiley - cakesmiley - choc

Off to the seaside!

Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

and also thinking of that person on the line.

R Dawes, wasn't it? Forgive me, my texts and that whole world are somewhere else.

Off to the seaside!

Post 7


I did indeed have nice weather, and the whole trip was very enjoyable: - nice little B&B, a couple of minutes' walk from the seafront;
- great cooked breakfasts;
- went on the Coasthopper bus to Sheringham and Holkham;
- walked on Holkham beach, as Gwyneth Paltrow did in the last scene of 'Shakespeare in Love' - only when she did it, there weren't several hundred other people, their children and dogs there too!

Oh, and in the garden of the cafe at Holkham Hall, there was a woman with two ferrets on leads.

Off to the seaside!

Post 8

DeeKay Bee

Did you get us some rock?

Off to the seaside!

Post 9


Of course ... [checks in smiley index] ... hm, well there doesn't seem to be a smiley for , so have a smiley - toffeeapple instead!

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