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Mamma Mia! (here I go again)

Post 1


Went to see Mamma Mia! again, with a couple of friends from work, one of whom had seen it before, the other one hadn't. Enjoyed it just as much as the first time round - those critics are a load of old miseryguts!

Met fenmaiden in the foyer - she was seeing it for the third time. Starting tomorrow, the Arts Picturehouse is putting on 'singalong' screenings. Hmm ...

Mamma Mia! (here I go again)

Post 2


singalong screening - go on you know you want to really.....

still haven't seen it, will probably wait for the dvd now. Hope your admissions stuff is all but done.

Mamma Mia! (here I go again)

Post 3


Truffaut fans. Fassbinder fans. Into Kaurismäki. Mamma Mia! didn't stand a chance with that lot.


Mamma Mia! (here I go again)

Post 4


Yep, nearly there. We had to wait for two GCSE results that were part of offer conditions this week, and now we've only got a few financial situations to sort out.

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