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Results (for Hebe)

Post 1


Hi there Hebe!

Thought I'd start a new entry for this, rather than tagging it onto the haunted house one.

We still have quite a lot of missing results, so difficult to say how they went at the moment. Hoping that some of them come by fax from the central admissions office tomorrow, since none came through today.

We went into the office to start work on them on Sunday, and Acting Boss brought in a half-bottle of champagne. Poor darling thought we'd be celebrating the end of the admissions round! He was a bit deflated when I explained that was only the first teeny stage of a week of very hard work!

Hope you didn't get too many confirmed!

Results (for Hebe)

Post 2


doesn't he know what Thursday will be like!

at work late trying to get an impression re ours. My fingers are firmly crossed....

btw I've mucked up my hot mail account - but the same name at googlemail dot com will get me,


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