This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Wet and horrible day

Post 1


Although I managed to cycle to and from work without getting too wet, it has been a miserable wet day today. No doubt the squirrel who lives under the shadow of the Gog Magogs has enjoyed it - definitely her sort of weather! smiley - winkeye

Difficult day at work. Discovered that the person with whom I've been sharing my new office was not going to be able to move to *her* new office before the A-level results are published (I had been promised this at the time I moved). Pointed out that it was not going to be practical to have lots of people coming in and out to have conversations with her (she is the conference organiser, so it's a large part of her job), while I am dealing with applicants crying down the phone because they haven't got their grades. Office-sharer got a bit cross, said that she had been sharing with two other people for a year, why couldn't I manage for a couple of weeks?

Anyway, finally resolved by her moving to my old office this afternoon, while waiting for her next move to be resolved. The problem is that 'they' (the powers-that-be) started all this office-moving without really thinking it through, and the person who wanted it in the first place keeps changing her mind about what she wants.

Think we are all friends again now - hope so, as I really didn't want to upset her (the office-sharer, not the person who started it all!).

Wet and horrible day

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well done Annie!

Gosh you must be quite Important. Glad you're ug admissions and not pg because once upon a time I said something rather unwise about them which is recorded forever on here...

smiley - hug

Wet and horrible day

Post 3


If only, woofti, if only ...!

smiley - winkeye

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