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Summertime ...

Post 1


... don't worry, I'm not going to burst into song! Just appreciating the warm sunny weather this week - actually warm enough to wear a dress to work, rather than trousers. This is a rare event for those of us who have to cycle in at 8.00am.

I had to go to a meeting at another college this afternoon - always fun to see the beautiful meeting rooms in other people's workplaces. We had to work through a very dense list of 'business cases' to do with the new web-based student records system: tedious but necessary. Got through a lot of chocolate biscuits in the process!

Yesterday a friend and I went to have meze and a bottle of wine here:
It's one of our favourites, and just round the corner from her house. I love this bit in the review: "Together they prepare the meze and fish dishes using using fresh ingredients made from scratch. The meat is butched at the shop next door."

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Summertime ...

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