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Home again

Post 1


Got back from Canada this morning. Last couple of days in Calgary experienced some 'interesting' weather. On Friday morning S, O and I took one of the dogs (the one that likes being in the car - the other one hates it, and whines the whole time!) for a hike. Some quite strenuous walking, up and along a wooded ridge, but fantastic views when we got to the top.

By the time we got back at lunchtime, it was almost dark, and then the thunder, lightning and hail started. The weather channel reported 'twoonie-sized hailstones' (a twoonie is a two-dollar coin, about the same size as a £2 coin). By the time it stopped, there was a thick white layer of hail on the ground and the rooftops - and it was still there the next morning!

However, Saturday morning started bright and sunny, and when we went out we could see steam coming up off the ground. We went to a pancake breakfast in the nearest little town - cooking traditionally done by the local firefighters, who had been up since 5.00am! As we were sitting eating our pancakes, sausages and fried potatoes, with maple syrup (yes, really!), the sun was quite hot. Stayed to watch the carnival parade, with lots of lovely horses, then I had to leave for the airport.

Journey uneventful apart from minor annoyances like the Victoria Line being out of action. Got home at about 11.00am (4.00am Calgary time), went shopping for food basics, unpacked, did the first load of washing, sorted bag etc out for work tomorrow and then had a couple of hours' sleep, as I'm going out to the noodle bar this evening and don't want to fall asleep in my soup!

PS: Went to see Mamma Mia! with S on Friday afternoon - we both loved it, and agreed it's definitely one to own, when it comes out on DVD. Meryl Streep is terrific - and I loved the credits sequence.

Home again

Post 2


Agreed. Streep's 'one more song' psych-up is laugh out loud with joy magical.


Home again

Post 3

Auntie Prue

Trouble is, that I STILL find myself humming Benny Anderson's tunes at unexpected moments smiley - erm

Glad Canada was good, annie - my mother was Canadian, so I feel I should follow in your footsteps sometime.

Best wishes


Home again

Post 4


Hello Prue! How are you?

I can recommend Western Canada - haven't been to the Eastern side yet. Don't think I'd really like to live there though - I'm not really outdoorsy enough.

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