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Calgary 15/7

Post 1


Well yesterday the plan was that while 5 year-old (O) was on her play date, S and I would go for a 'hike' (Canadian description for anything beyond a gentle stroll to the end of the road, as far as I can make out). Unfortunately, the weather didn't want to cooperate. We dropped O off at her friend's house and headed towards the mountains, into increasing amounts of low cloud.

Decided to turn back, and stopped at a small lake, hoping to get in a short walk round the edge, but about halfway, large raindrops started to fall, and we were pretty wet by the time we got back to the car. So we went and had coffee and more long chats instead - it's been great catching up, as it's so long since we've seen each other.

Today we went over to the outskirts of Calgary and went swimming - as it is school holidays here, the kids' pool was pretty crowded, but it was OK - popular with O, as it has waves, and a water slide. Had lunch out, then did a big supermarket shop, picked up a DVD for this evening (Volver - I've seen it before, but S has yet to experience the delights of Almodovar!), and spent some time browsing in a huge bookshop, complete with Starbucks cafe in the middle of it.

I can't believe there are only two more full days to go - it's gone really quickly!

Calgary 15/7

Post 2


I'm pleased to say that S enjoyed Volver - so now she has all the other Almodovar films to look forward to!

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