This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Off to Canada tomorrow

Post 1


All packed (including passport, for those people who remember the saga of last time I went to Canada ...) and ready to go.

I'm getting a horribly early train (6.48) in the morning, and changing to the tube at Tottenham Hale, in the hope of avoiding the worst of the commuter rush. Flight is from Gatwick at lunchtime.

Looking forward VERY much to seeing the friends I'm going to stay with. Plan to chill out, go for a few non-taxing walks, see some of the Calgary Stampede ( and generally have a relaxing time.

Will have internet access, but as both my friends work from home they will have priority for the computers, so may not be around much for the next ten days or so.

Off to Canada tomorrow

Post 2


Have a ball!


Off to Canada tomorrow

Post 3

Polly Tunnel

Have a great time Annie. Mind you don't get trampled in the stampede.

smiley - magic


Off to Canada tomorrow

Post 4

DeeKay Bee

Have a wonderful time.

I was intrigued by the Deep-fried OREO and Deep-fried Twinkie until I spotted the Deep fried Coke, and now I'm just puzzled. I hope you're adventurous, and you report back. They may be not quite as bad as the sound!

Off to Canada tomorrow

Post 5

petal jam

Bon voyage, Annie. Enjoy the Rockies in summer.

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