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Open Days

Post 1


We've had Open Days or school group visits every day this week. As I'm on holiday for two weeks starting on Monday, I've also been trying (unsuccessfully) to sort out everything that's going to need doing while I'm away. We lost two of our student helpers - for entirely justifiable reasons - today, so I spent most of the day doing guided tours of the college and photocopying information to hand out to prospective applicants. By 5pm I was completely wiped out, so retired to a friend's house to drink tea in the garden and watch a pair of blackbirds feeding their brood in a nest perched on a climbing rose bush against her house wall. I'm planning to spend a couple of hours in the office tomorrow morning doing filing and making lists for my absence. I know that if I don't do it, I'll only worry about it while I'm away.

Yesterday and today were University-wide Open Days, so we had open house for drop-in visitors. Heavy showers from time to time yesterday, but today has been warm and sunny all day. Heavy showers forecast again tomorrow, which is a pity, as it's our garden party for alumnae - the gardeners have been busy titivating our already beautiful gardens all day.

Have met some lovely prospective applicants, and some very pushy parents.

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