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Post 1


Last Saturday's meet went off OK - after lunch & chat in the biggest pub in England (or so it advertises itself), three groups went their separate ways: Town & Country Show, where we soon lost each other; Botanic Gardens, where cake was apparently consumed; Fitzwilliam Museum, reported on favourably by those who visited.

Couldn't be in three places at once unfortunately, so decided to make up for it by going to the Fitzwilliam today. Decision reinforced by the fact that a) it's been a miserable grey day with scattered showers, and b) discovered by chance this morning that my current account was on the verge of being overdrawn, due to expenditure on bathroom and ticket for Canada, and the Fitzwilliam is FREE!

We are SO lucky in Cambridge in having such a wonderful museum and I always really enjoy spending time there. Today I saw the first ever photographic exhibition they've had there: it's called 'On the Shoulders of Giants' and it is part of the university's forthcoming 800th anniversary celebrations. Portraits of lots and lots of members of the university: professors, students, technicians, secretaries, porters - all photographed in their respective workplaces. Fabulous photos - and from the ones which portrayed people I know, I would say they were great portraits. Also looked at two other temporary exhibitions: Anglo-Saxon coins, and Chinese jade.

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