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The weekend starts here

Post 1


Well actually I feel as if it started yesterday. The last couple of weeks I've taken the day off on Thursday, and it's been really good - last week it was a lovely day and E and I had lunch in the garden of our favourite Chinese noodle restaurant. This week it was cool and cloudy with showers, and I did some housework (yuck!), which means I don't have to do it at the weekend.

This morning there was a leaving party for the Principal's secretary, who has been at the college for 16 years. Wine and high quality nibbles (stuffed jalapeno peppers - yummy!) in the Principal's Lodge.

Called in at the Picturehouse cafe bar for coffee and cake on the way home this afternoon - I often do this on a Friday, and sometimes buy cinema tickets too (not today though - too much other stuff going on this w/e). Then cycled over to a friend's house to deliver her copy of the book for next meeting of our book group. We're reading A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers. I read the first few pages of my copy in the cafe, and really like it so far.

Tomorrow I'm going into work for a short time in the morning: one of our Associates (, who is a teacher, is bringing some of her students to visit Cambridge when she comes for an Associates' meeting. I have lined up a few of our current undergrads to look after them, but as one of the visiting students is the daughter of a famous TV actress, I want to make sure everything goes to plan.

Then at lunchtime it's the ML meet in Cambridge. Looking forward to seeing familiar faces again, and meeting new people - that's the best bit of ML meets. Thankfully some other MLers took over the organisation, as I was getting a bit fed up with conflicting expectations/wishes/suggested activities!

My sis is coming over again on Sunday, as her OH has gone off sailing at short notice. We'll probably do a bit of shopping, and she will come along to the usual pub Sunday lunch with the rest of the gang.

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The weekend starts here

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