This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Limited time to make this entry as I have been emailing. So:

Sandile and Monica went to the Stellenbosch Hotel last night after a meal at Jan Cats. It was my birthday present to Sandile. I looked after the kids - we went to the Spur (South African steakhouse with play area for kids which they enjoy) and we went back to my place where we played cards and I read them a bedtime story before they camped out on my floor with blankets and a duvet. In the morning we got up at 8 and I took them through to Somerset Mall where they had a party of schoolfriends to see a movie (Bewitched with Nicole Kidman). In the 4 hours I had to myself, I bought a microwave and a new wallet and some books. A very profitable time. I brought the kids back home and Sandile and Monica have just picked them up. They were glowing - they said they had a lovely time at the restaurant and the hotel, so thanks DKB for an inspired suggestion (I have thanked you properly in yesterday's thread). It was beautiful babysitting the kids. We had a lovely time. It is so nice to be liked and trusted by children. It is truly one of God's rich blessings.

Tonight I am going to a party with Sandile while Monica judges a beauty competition. The party is at the home of a Coloured - not the same as Black, but Cape Coloured. They have their own very distinctive culture and they certainly know how to party, so I'm hoping to enjoy myself this evening. I'm going to get Sandile to drive (by the expedient of buying the petrol) so I can have a drink.

I know it's harking back to the bad old days to use labels like "black" and "coloured", but the distinct cultures exist, so what must a person say? "So-called coloured" was one suggestion, but I think that's ludicrous.

My internet time is nearly up, but I am still on a high from my babysitting and enjoying my friends' obvious pleasure at their little treat. Sandile said it was the best birthday present he has ever had - well all it was was special time with his wife. I think he loves his wife very much. I also bought Sandile a copy of "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence. It is a spiritual classic which I hope he reads and profits from. Better than all that modern American pap he has read.

I had better go and start getting ready for tonight's party. I actually have a shirt to wear, but it needs ironing... I have nowhere to take it this time (remember almost a year ago when I had a shirt needing ironing and I brought it up in Mustardland?). Maybe I can try my neighbours.


Post 2

DeeKay Bee

smiley - smiley

I'm glad that you all had a wonderful night.

Enjoy your party smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - crisps


Post 3


Richard ~ it was lovely what you did for Sandile & his family, and I'm so glad that everyone had a good time!smiley - smiley

I'd like to see "Bewitched" ~ I remember it when it was on tv ~ highly entertaining stuff.

I hope the party goes well tonight!
All the best,

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